Bloomsbury Video Library - About Bloomsbury Video Library
About Bloomsbury Video Library

About Bloomsbury Video Library

Bloomsbury Video Library is home to a rich, growing range of streaming collections for students, teachers and researchers across the arts, humanities and social sciences.

Featuring content from filmed performances and fiction films to documentaries and instructional videos, Bloomsbury Video Library has been designed and curated with academic libraries in mind.

Bloomsbury Video Library launched with the Arts and Humanities Collection (formerly known as Artfilms), offering a range of international content across the visual and performing arts, film, history, and more. This collection features exclusive independent films and shorts, avant-garde performances, interviews with renowned writers, artists, choreographers, performers and practitioners, documentaries on an international range of themes, traditions, and historical figures, and much more.

To support libraries of all sizes and specialisms, the following smaller thematic subsets of the Arts and Humanities Collection are also available:

Other collections available on Bloomsbury Video Library:

Advisory Boards

Bloomsbury Video Library has been developed for students, teachers and researchers in consultation with academic and librarian experts.

We are proud to be working with an international, interdisciplinary range of scholars from our growing academic advisory board, including:

  • Caroline Alexander, Senior Lecturer in Fashion at Kingston University
  • Graeme Brooker, Professor of Interior Design at the Royal College of Art
  • Colette Gordon, Lecturer of English at the University of Witwatersrand
  • Jim Grimshaw, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Carroll University
  • Shawna Ross, Assistant Professor of English at Texas A&M University
  • Claire Battershill, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Information and the Department of English at the University of Toronto
  • Richard Gauvain, Associate Professor of Political Science at the British University in Egypt
  • Oldřich Bureš, Professor of International Political Relations and European Studies and the Head of the Centre for Security Studies at the Metropolitan University Prague
  • Cara Caddoo, Associate Professor of Cinema and Media Studies, Indiana University Bloomington
  • Tonia Shimin, Professor Emerita, Department of Theater and Dance, University of California Santa Barbara
  • Gina Marchetti, Chair, Humanities and Media Studies, Pratt Institute
  • Gerard Samuel, Associate Professor & Head of Section: Dance, University of Cape Town
  • Jasmine Elizabeth Johnson, Assistant Professor of Africana Studies, University of Pennsylvania
  • Gregory Camp, Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland
  • John Severn, Music/Opera Professor, Macquarie University
  • Barbara Gentili, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Cardiff University
  • Gerald Martin Moore, Professor of Voice/Director of Yale Opera, Yale School of Music
  • Aaron Wyatt, Assistant Lecturer, Performance Classical, Monash University