Bloomsbury Video Library - How To Use
How to Use

How to Use

Watch our user videos or use the information below to find help on specific features.

Your Homepage

The navigation on the top of the homepage provides a variety of options to access content on the site, including Explore and Browse functions.

The basic search bar appears below the main navigation for quick and easy searching across the site.

Below the search bar is a carousel which showcases featured content and a link to learn more about the Bloomsbury Video Library platform.

Keep scrolling to access and learn more about the content currently available on Bloomsbury Video Library and forthcoming features.

When a user is logged in, any content they do not have access to will be hidden from view.

Video pages

Navigate to a specific video from browse options or search results. Video pages show the title of the film, author, copyright information, DOI and ISBN. The length, series, episode information, year of release, age rating and content warnings appear in the left-hand column. Subject indexing appears in a separate box below and clicking on these terms will display other content tagged with the same term. Related content and recently viewed content appear in boxes further down the page in the left-hand column.

If the video has a transcript, you will see a "Show Transcript" button underneath the video player. Click on this button to display the transcript. The transcript will automatically scroll as the video is played so that the text shown matches what is being spoken on screen. Use the search bar within the transcript feature to find a term or line spoken in the video. Click on the text in the transcript to skip to the part of the video where the text is spoken.

If there are multiple videos relevant to the video page, these will appear in a track list below the video player. Click on the links in the track list to display the relevant video in the video player.

Beneath the video player and track list, there is a description of the video. Where available, beneath the description there are boxes with information on credits, reviews and series information. Expand the boxes to see this information. If a video is in a series, click on the series link to see all videos available on Bloomsbury Video Library that are within the same series.

Video player

Click on the video player to play or pause the video. Click on a section of the bar at the bottom of the video player to skip ahead in the video.

Turn captions on by hovering over the CC button and pressing the language that you would like to view.

Click on the Picture-in-Picture button to have the video play in a frame in the bottom right hand corner of the screen whilst you are viewing something else in another tab in your browser.

Increase or reduce the volume using the volume slider, or click on the loudspeaker to mute the video.

Click on the CLIP icon to create a clip of the video. You will need to sign up for a personal account or log in with your existing personal account in order to create a clip. Once logged in to your personal account, drag the IN and OUT sliders to the time stamps that you would like, then press "Generate URL". The clip will appear in the "My Clips" section of your personal account.

Please note that clips must not be downloaded under any circumstances. Anyone who does so will be in breach of copyright. Clips must not be shared for any use other than teaching or study within your institution.


Explore in the top navigation menu provides options to access the content by Subject, Topic, Period featured, Period released, Place featured, Creator's place of origin, Language and People.

Clicking on any option leads to a list for browsing. The numbers in brackets next to each term show the amount of content aggregated under each term. Clicking on any term will lead to a results page for all the content on the site that has been tagged with the term which the user has access to. By default, the content that a logged-in user can view is only content that their institution has access to.

The results page offers further filter options in the left hand column.

Learning Resources


Personal account, saving, and Folders

Create a personal account using the sign up function to save content and searches in folders. Create an account by clicking "Log in" in the top right-hand corner of the site above "Librarians." At the bottom of the pop-up window, click "Sign up now."

After signing up or logging in to your personal account, you can save searches and content to folders. To save a search, click the "Save this Search" button from any search results page, which appears on the right side of the page above the search results and below the static search bar.

To save content, locate the "Save" icon in the top right-hand corner of any page of the content (directly under "Advanced Search") that you wish to save. Clicking on "Save" will enable you to save the URL of the relevant page into a folder. You can create multiple folders and save different content into each.

Access folders from "My Content" under the welcome message in the top right corner of the site.

To create a clip of a video, select the CLIP button that appears on the video player. Log in using your personal account details.

Drag the IN and OUT sliders to form the clip that you would like to create, then press "Generate URL". Navigate to the "My Content" section by clicking on your username in the top right-hand corner. View all your saved clips in the "My Clips" section.


APA, MLA, and Chicago citations are available for all videos on the platform. Click the "Citation" button next to the Save and Print links. This will bring up a pop-up window with citation information that you can copy to clipboard or export as a RIS file.


Access the Librarians section of Bloomsbury Video Library using the "Librarians" navigation in the top navigation bar. The Librarian section provides useful information on the Benefits for Subscribing Institutions, MARC Records, Promotional Materials for the platform, as well as Help and Contact Us information.